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Service details
Name Sherlock Alert
  • Investigation Footprint Alerts
  • New insights to better tackle fraud
  • NINO Mismatch Alerts
Business types
  • CACHE Legal Representative
  • General Insurer
  • United Kingdom

Innovative suite of suspicious behaviour alerts aimed at improving your fraud detection capabilities

Automatic alerts on National Insurance Number mismatch

Sherlock Alert uses the personal injury claim data exchanged between an insurer/compensator and the Department for Work & Pensions (DWP), combined with data sources from CRIF’s ID verification tool, to automatically detect if the claimant’s National Insurance Number [NINO] may have been altered to commit personal injury fraud.

Automatic investigation footprint alerts

Sherlock Alert enables fraud investigators to identify and monitor suspicious cases better than ever before by effectively leveraging the investigation footprints left by all users of the Sherlock Investigation community.
Thanks to this mechanism, Sherlock Alert enables a prompt exchange of intelligence between Sherlock Investigation users to support collaboration against fraud. Fraud investigators will receive an automatic notification whenever the subject they are investigating is or was under observation by other counter fraud investigation teams.

Boost your investigation process

Sherlock Alert is an extension of Sherlock Investigation, CRIF’s counter fraud solution currently used by over 100 counter fraud organisations. It automatically notifies fraud investigators, eliminating any overlooked risks arising from reliance on manual notification by the claims handler as well as saving valuable time by boosting the investigation process.

  • Real-time alerts to the fraud investigation team with new insights to better tackle fraud
  • Significant improvement in loss savings by enabling the detection of a higher number of fraud cases through collaboration between Sherlock Investigation users
  • Improved operational efficiency in claims handling by intercepting “adverse claims” very early in the process
  • More efficient tracing and monitoring by leveraging a database of over 890,000 footprints and peer-to-peer investigation intelligence.