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Service details
  • CRU Extended Messaging
  • CUE data contribution
  • CUE enquiries at Point of Claim
Business types
  • CACHE Legal Representative
  • General Insurer
  • MIB
  • United Kingdom

Supporting decision makers with a complete range of information services and solutions for risk management and fraud prevention

Mitigate insurance fraud

The CACHE suite of services comprises shared databases of insurance claims that support insurance companies in assessing risk, checking parallel claims activity and ultimately mitigating fraud.
CACHE enables you to contribute to and search the Claims and Underwriting Exchange Register (CUE) in line with the principles of reciprocity set out by MIB (Motor Insurers' Bureau), which is responsible for the management of the CUE Register on behalf of insurers in the United Kingdom.

Access to CUE databases

By verifying an individual's claims history, CACHE-CUE can automatically detect cases where further investigation is required at all stages of the insurance lifecycle, including quotation, policy acceptance, renewal and claims.
Learn more about our CACHE suite of insurance bureau services:

  • CACHE Motor to search the CUE Motor database, providing a comprehensive report of the motor claims history of a given individual.
  • CACHE Home to run a search in the CUE Home database and access a full report containing the home insurance claims history of a given individual.
  • CACHE PI to search the CUE Personal Injury database and obtain a full report of the personal injury claims history of a given individual.

Additional modules

  • CRU Extended Messaging is a unique workflow solution enabling insurers to electronically submit and receive messages to and from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).
  • CACHE PI Data Entry Assistant (DEA) enables insurance companies to improve efficiency and reduce costs by fully automating the entry of personal injury claims into CACHE PI.